12 Most Dangerous Additives in Processed Foods

Unfortunately, many of the best tasting and delicious food products are made with dangerous and artificial flavorings. These toxic preservatives, sweeteners and additives enhance the flavor of food by changing their genetic composition. The result is food that may taste better, but is slowly killing the human population. Now is the time to educate ourselves on food that is made from all natural ingredients that can still taste delicious.

Artificial Sweeteners-Aspartame

Aspartame is a common ingredient in diet soda, sugar free gum, sugar free soda, cereal, kool aid, chewable vitamins and even toothpaste. Most commonly found in foods that are labeled “diet” or “sugar free” artificial sweeteners, otherwise known as Aspartame, is a carcinogenic with many negative consequences. As a neurotoxin and carcinogen, artificial sweeteners have been scientifically tested and researched to show that they cause short-term memory lose and can decrease a person’s intelligence.

High Fructose Corn Syrup

The corn used to make HFCS is mostly genetically modified varieties. High fructose corn syrup is a type of highly refined artificial sweetener that is found in everything from breads to granola bars to soups. While it is likely that you will have to spend more money to find products that don’t use this artificial sweetener it is imperative for your health and the health of your children that you avoid high fructose corn syrup. The syrup is a key contributor to America’s battle with obesity as it increases a person’s bad cholesterol levels and leads to diabetes.
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10 Super Healthy Snacks Under 200 Calories

For several years now, there have been more and more people speaking out about the five to six meals a day phenomenon. Though this topic of conversation has gained momentum lately, many consumers still have no idea how eating several meals per day helps them to improve their overall health. Regardless of the reason, you may want to modify your eating habits whether it is to lose weight, ensure a more nutritional diet, for fitness training, or to control your blood sugar, five or six meals a day might be just what you need to add balance to your diet. The next time you feel hunger pangs taking over, satisfy your palate with a nutritious low calorie snack and avoid the high calories and the guilt afterwards!

1. Seedless Cucumber Slices/Low-fat Cheese
A half-cup of cucumbers contains just eight calories, put together with two-slices of low-fat cheese; this snack will have you feeling full in no time. Calories: 128

2. Nuts/Raw Veggies
One ounce of nuts with one-half cup of sliced red-pepper is filled with healthy fats and protein. The nuts will have you feeling full, while the red-pepper will give you a good dose of vitamins A and C. Calories: 163
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5 Fattiest Restaurant Dishes in Britain

Calorie Rich Dishes in UK

Calorie exposure doesn’t seem to be a prerequisite in the UK when it comes to foods! Nonetheless, by comparing the ingredients, of these five foods to dishes with similar ingredients, you will find the calorie count is quite high.

Stargazy Pie
Stargazy pie is a scary looking dish. This UK dish calls for no less than 16 quail’s eggs! The key feature is the fish heads staring upwards, hence the name “Stargazy.” Streaky bacon, puff pastry, and plenty of butter are a few of the calorie-laden ingredients that make up this creepy looking pie.

Spotted Dick
Spotted Dick is a classic UK dessert made chiefly from suet and currants. Suet is a type of animal fat similar to lard. The calorie count may not be in the 1000s but the calories from fat is high.

Scotch Egg
The Scotch Egg is originally from Scotland and made with a hardboiled egg swathed in sausage-meat, covered in breadcrumbs, and to drive the hammer to the nail, it’s deep-fried. Just think of the luscious calories from fat!
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9 Hormone Supplements You Need To Know About

Hormonal imbalances are very common these days, and they affect men and women of all ages. Despite the fact that they are usually not dangerous, hormonal imbalances can trigger skin blemishes and discomfort, especially since they are often associated with menstrual cramps and bothersome PMS symptoms. Here is a brief overview of 9 herbal supplements that are ideal for balancing hormones naturally:

1. Saw Palmetto

Saw Palmetto extract comes in the form of soft gels and it contains numerous beneficial compounds that are known to restore the hormonal balance as well as to support prostate health in the long run (flavonoids, fatty acids as well as sterols). Saw Palmetto is basically a low-growing palm tree that has been used for centuries due to its health benefits, and this extract is recommended to men over 40.

2. Dandelion Root Supplement

Dandelions are widely used in traditional medicine, as they contain sterols, pectin, phenolic acids, vitamins, lutein and a wealth of carotenoids. Dandelion root extract contains high amounts of vitamin A and C (perfect for strengthening your immune system), it contains lecithin which is essential for boosting your cognitive function, it acts as a hepatic stimulant and it also lowers the levels of LDL cholesterol (bad cholesterol). At the same time, dandelion root extract is also known to support the proper functioning of the liver, an organ that plays a pivotal role in the elimination of toxins. The liver is also responsible for hormone production, including androgens which are known to trigger acne breakouts. If you suffer from hormonal imbalance, then dandelion supplements will surely help you.

3. Motherwort

Just like the dandelion root, the motherwort also has a series of health benefits: it helps you relieve stress and improve heart function, it supports the health of your cardiovascular system and it also relaxes the muscles and the blood vessels. If you suffer from high blood pressure, heart palpitations and high triglycerides, then motherwort can be your best ally. At the same time, motherwort is widely used to relieve the symptoms of menopause: this herb acts as a menstrual regulator that treats hot flashes and insomnia, and it is also known for its hormone-balancing properties.
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Foods That Prevent Good Cell Damage

Free radicals are molecules that accumulate inside your body and wreak havoc on your health: as a matter of fact, studies have revealed that free radicals are responsible for several types of cancer, given the fact that they are very chemically reactive and they damage the good cells. In addition to pollution and free chemicals that can be found in the surrounding environment, tobacco smoke or radiations can also cause free radicals. The good news, however, is that you can prevent their negative effects on the body quickly and effortlessly. If you want to prevent DNA damage, to slow down the aging process and to lower the risk for cancer, then you should include the following foods in your diet:

1. Broccoli

Broccoli and other cruciferous vegetables are very healthy: in the end, there is a reason why our parents insisted that we eat all our veggies when we were children! Broccoli is very rich in beta-carotene, lutein and Vitamin C, all these compounds being essential for the correct functioning of your immune system. Broccoli has anti-cancer properties, and it can also reduce the long-term risk for cardiovascular disease, if you consume it on a weekly basis.

2. Citrus Fruits

Citrus fruits may be bad for your teeth, given the fact that they are highly acidic, but they are certainly a great choice for fighting free radicals. It is known that grapes, oranges and lemons boost the immune function and fight cancer, given their high contents of flavonoids, Vitamin C and carotenoids. At the same time, citrus fruits also come in handy for those who suffer from bad cholesterol (LDL cholesterol), they relax the blood vessels and they prevent the blood from clotting.

3. All Foods That Contain Beta-Carotene

Beta-carotene is considered to be one of the most powerful natural antioxidants, as it neutralizes free radicals quickly and efficiently. It is very easy to spot foods rich in beta carotene, as they have an orange color. Beta carotene also improves your body’s immune system, so make sure to increase your daily intake of carrots, peppers, mangoes as well as sweet potatoes. Basically, look for all the foods that are orange. However, if you want to benefit from beta carotene at its full potential, you will have to consume at least four daily servings.
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Easy And Cheap Face Lift

Nowadays, both men and women show more interest in the way they look – and there is absolutely nothing wrong with that, as long as you do not overdo it! The aesthetic surgery sector has boomed over the past few years, and there is a surgery to correct almost any physical flaw. As the years pass, gravitation starts to take its toll on our appearance: this is why we deal with typical aging signs such as sagging skin or wrinkles. A surgical face lift can take care of that within a couple of hours, but the question is: are you willing to take all the risks? If not, then here are 7 natural alternatives that are just as efficient:

1. Herbal Wraps – Green Tea

This is a natural technique to improve and maintain skin elasticity, and it has been used for thousands of years. Herbal wraps benefit you on several different levels: not only will they detoxify your skin and protect it against the external factors that damage the skin cells, but it also improves skin elasticity and boost perspiration. Your skin eliminates toxins through perspiration, this is why it is essential to support the process. Green tea can be an extraordinary herbal face wrap with outstanding long-term results.

2. Micro-Current Stimulation Therapy

This is a widely used method that has effects similar to facial surgery, the only difference is that it is considerably cheaper and less dangerous. Basically, micro-current stimulation therapy involves a tiny current that goes through the skin and rejuvenates it, thus giving it a healthier, more youthful appearance. Cost-effective and risk-free, this treatment is a great alternative if you are scared to go under the knife!

3. Opt For A Natural Face Mask

Face masks have a mild lifting effect. Mild as it may be, it can still help you in the long term: one of the most efficient face masks with lifting effect includes lemon juice and egg whites. This mask will also tighten your pores while the vitamin C found in the lemon juice will thoroughly clean your face and give it a healthy, natural glow that will last for the entire day.
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5 Easy Ways To Avoid Overeating After Workout

It is not uncommon amongst athletes to experience increased hunger and craving for sweets after they workout, given the fact that an intense exercise routine will deplete your body of energy, therefore you will feel the need to compensate. Nonetheless, it is very important to avoid overeating after you finish your workout, otherwise all your efforts will be in vain. Here are several useful tips and hints that will help you feel full throughout the entire day, and avoid overeating at the same time:

1. Know Your Limit In The Gym

A very common mistake many people tend to do is that they overtrain, hoping to get a ripped body quicker and with less effort. This is not going to happen, as weight loss and muscle growth will occur over an extended period of time, not over the night. This is why it is important to limit your training on an empty stomach, otherwise you will feel the need to binge on food immediately after you get home. At the same time, counting your daily calorie intake will also help you, but in order to do that you must firstly use a calculator that will help you identify your BMI, or Body Mass Index.

2. Always Eat Before You Workout

In a nutshell, you have two options: you can either eat a small regular meal that will deliver you all the carbs and proteins you need before you train (honey, toast, yogurt or some ham), or you can opt for a specially formulated pre-workout meal that is low in calories and will boost your energy levels. Regardless of your choice, it is essential to eat something before you hit the gym, otherwise you will be unable to complete your training. Pre-workout meals prevent muscle breakdown, they will speed up the muscle recovery process (your muscles are damaged during the workout) and they will also prevent you from feeling hungry when you get home.
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5 Amazing Body Scrubs You Can Make At Home

A good scrub not only exfoliates your face and your body, but it also makes you feel good and renewed by removing the dead cells from the surface of your skin. The result is a beautiful, silky smooth skin with a natural glow that lasts the entire day. However, scrubs you can find in shops are often very expensive, so why spend money on such products when you can make your very own, in the privacy of your home and with ingredients you can easily find in the kitchen? Here are several ideas of efficient, natural and cost-effective homemade scrubs:

1. Moisturizing Cream And Sugar

A facial scrub made of moisturizing cream and sugar is certainly one of the fastest and easiest ways to thoroughly clean your face: simply combine two teaspoons of moisturizing cream with half a teaspoon of sugar, mix it until it turns into a gritty paste and then rub it all over your face, using a circular motion. Avoid the eye area, as you certainly do not want sugar getting into your eyes!

2. Intensely Moisturizing Banana Body Scrub

This is one of the most popular body scrub recipes at the moment, not just because it is very easy to prepare but also because it is highly efficient. Basically, you will need one ripe banana, three tablespoons of sugar and half a teaspoon of essential oil. The latter is not important, it is mainly added for its pleasant smell. Simply smash all the ingredients together and then apply it on your body while you are in the shower. Massage gently and then rinse off with warm water. You will feel as good as new!
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Toxins in Your Wine Glass

Organic wines are very popular these days: as a matter of fact, people have started to turn their faces to organic foods rather than genetically modified foods, as organic products are free of pesticides and any other toxic compounds. Even though these foods may be slightly more expensive, their health benefits certainly overcome their price. The following wines are made from grapes that are certified to be organic, although the entire winery must be certified as well. A wine is considered to be organic if it is 100% natural and it has an extremely low concentration of sulfites, and no fertilizers or pesticides are used for the grapes. Here are some of the most reputable organic wines at the moment:

1. Wines Produced By The Casa Lapostolle

Casa Lapostolle is an organic winery located in central Chile and it produces several notorious organic red wines, including the carmenere (a red grown wine), the Clos Apalta blend or the well-known syrah. Casa Lapostolle relies exclusively on organic growing techniques and syrah is the most affordable variety, as opposed to the other two varieties. The Lapostolle wines are world-class products that can be purchased at affordable prices.

2. The Chateau Maris La Touge Syrah

The Chateau Maris La Touge Syrah is a blend that contains 85% Syrah and 15% Grenache, made entirely from organically grown grapes. This is a biodynamic vegan wine that has a cherry-like aroma, and what makes the Chateau Maris stand out from the crowd is not only the fact that it is made from organic grapes but also the storage conditions, as the special cellars allow the wines to “breathe” and they ensure proper humidity and temperature levels.

Naturalistic wine making is widely spread across France, and so is the biodynamic farming. Basically, biodynamic farming involves the use of draft horses rather than tractors, and the soil is activated naturally instead of using artificial fertilizers. The Chateau Maris La Touge Syrah is a complex wine with a fruity flavor, and it can be purchased for $12-$15 depending on the year of production.
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Just 3 Nutrients A Day

We are what we eat, and our diet can have a tremendous impact on our health – it is entirely up to us to decide whether that impact will be a positive or a negative one. We all know that nutrients are important, but to what extent? Some of the most underrated nutrients are potassium, Vitamin B12 and Vitamin D, all of them being essential for our body. Here are the most notable health benefits of these nutrients, and why you should consider incorporating them in your daily diet:

1. Potassium

Potassium is an important mineral that is extremely important for your cardiovascular system, as it not only treats irregular heartbeats (arrhythmia), but it also prevents heart failure and lowers high blood pressure. At the same time, if you have increased levels of cholesterol (LDL cholesterol), potassium might come in handy for that.

Potassium is an essential electrolyte that keeps your muscles moving, and it also ensures the proper functioning of your kidneys. Most of the foods contain potassium, from fruits and veggies to fish, meat and even whole grains. Some of the richest sources of potassium are spinach, potatoes, avocados, fruits, beans and tomatoes. If you have a diet that is rich in potassium, then you will lower your risk for heart disease and cancer, and you will also be less predisposed to obesity over the years. Overall, potassium is a very heart-friendly electrolyte that can dramatically reduce the risk of heart attack.
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